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Plexiglass dividers and floor decals might not be permanent, but the pandemic will bring lasting change to offices. Experts from the architecture and real-estate industries share how they are getting back to work and what offices will look like in the future. Photo: Cesare Salerno for The Wall Street Journal



Can Wearables Detect Covid-19 Symptoms? I Wore Six to Find Out

Editor Picks

Your TikTok App Could Become American. What Does That Change?
Only days after President Trump threatened to ban TikTok, Microsoft announced it is pushing ahead with plans to buy the U.S. operations of the hugely popular video-sharing platform. WSJ's Eva Xiao looks at what it means for China's hit internet export. Photo: Frank Hoermann/Sven Simon/Zuma Press

What States Trump and Biden Need to Get Elected

How Tesla Became the Most Valuable Auto Maker in the World

Kids’ Coronavirus Risk Remains Uncertain as Schools Weigh Reopening


Trump Says U.S. Should Be ‘Reimbursed’ for TikTok Purchase
Speaking to reporters at the White House, President Trump described the Sunday conversation he had with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella over the company's interest in buying TikTok from its Chinese owner, Beijing-based Bytedance Ltd. Photo: Alex Brandon/Associated Press

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Your TikTok App Could Become American. What Does That Change?

First Coronavirus Vaccine Could Be Russian, but Haste Raises Questions


NASA Astronauts Land in SpaceX Capsule Near Florida


How Airlines Can Survive the Pandemic

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Video Series


Moving Upstream

In the Elevator With

A Brief History Of

Trump Says U.S. Should Be ‘Reimbursed’ for TikTok Purchase
Speaking to reporters at the White House, President Trump described the Sunday conversation he had with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella over the company's interest in buying TikTok from its Chinese owner, Beijing-based Bytedance Ltd. Photo: Alex Brandon/Associated Press

NASA Astronauts Land in SpaceX Capsule Near Florida

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Big Tech Beats Earnings Expectations, While Intel Announces Shakeup


WSJ Opinion: Hits and Misses of the Week
Journal Editorial Report: The week's best and worst from Kim Strassel, Allysia Finley, Jillian Melchior and Dan Henninger. Image: AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

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WSJ Opinion: Will the Protests Ever End?

WSJ Opinion: Republicans Go on the Coronavirus Offense

WSJ Opinion: A Biden Presidency Won't Help Black School Children
Life & Culture

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The annual hajj pilgrimage typically brings millions of Muslims to Mecca. Because of Covid-19, authorities said no more than 10,000 people can participate, dealing a blow to the Saudi economy and businesses that rely on the event. Photo: AFP/Getty Images

Tesla Eligible for S&P 500 After Fourth-Consecutive Quarterly Profit

How Mask Culture Has Changed in Europe

How to Turn Your Bike Into a Smart At-Home Exercise Machine

Traveling During the Pandemic Is Possible. But Can You Do It Safely?
Business News

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Huawei shipped more smartphones than any other company in the second quarter, according to research firm Canalys. But that success comes with increasing reliance on the Chinese market, as global sales fell amid the coronavirus pandemic. Photo: Reuters/Rodrigo Garrido

House Committee Grills Facebook, Google CEOs on Alleged Bias

Bezos, Cook, Zuckerberg and Pichai Face Lawmakers’ Antitrust Concerns


Gold Hits New High as Investors Look to Hedge Against Uncertainty
Moving Upstream

Electric Scooters: Israel’s Two-Wheeled Solution to Traffic and Sabbath
Electric-scooter rental companies are hitting speed bumps in the U.S. over safety and other concerns. But in Tel Aviv, one in 10 residents has rented a Bird e-scooter, and the city appears to be embracing them. WSJ’s Jason Bellini takes a look at the challenges and potential lessons of the e-scooter craze.

Tasting the World’s First Test-Tube Steak

High Insulin Prices Drive Diabetics to Take Extreme Measures

Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Facial Recognition Technology

The Future of Flight: AI in the Cockpit

A modern, 7,500 square-foot home connects owner Elizabeth Grossman to the nature and ‘spiritual vortex’ that drew her to Lanikai, a neighborhood on Oahu. She gives us a tour, and explains why it’s time to sell. Photo: Adam Falk/The Wall Street Journal

In Greece, a Radical Triangular House Brings the Outdoors Inside

A Love of Yurts Inspired This ‘Glamp’ Retreat

A Cascades Home Designed to Feel Like Summer Camp

A Home Built to Be a Live-In Museum and Expansive Library

Creating the Future Workforce

Golf's Data Revolution

How Worldly Experiences Can Shape One's Success

Am I Doing What I Love?
Marketwatch and Barron's

Box CEO: Don't Break Up Big Tech
Aaron Levie has a message for Washington following big tech's congressional hearing. Plus, Al Root of Barron's on Kodak and Ed Lopez of VanEck on the bull case for gold.


Minneapolis Beauty Studio Is on a Path to Recovery

A Key Economic Warning